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How to say 'get lost' in Irish

useful phrases

Knowing how to tell someone to get lost can be useful in any language! Watch the short video to learn four easy expressions in Irish for just that purpose. Slow the speed of the video down by clicking on the cogwheel on the control bar under the video if you need to.


Gread leat!

The first phrase is perhaps the simplest of the four and is one that is used in everyday speech by native Irish speakers in all of the main Irish language speaking areas (na Gaeltachtaí / the Gaeltachts). It's a simple command, meaning 'off with you'!  ('Gread' is actually the verb 'strike', but in this phrase it has the meaning 'get away/off with you').


Téigh i dtigh an diabhail!

In English you might hear someone saying 'go to hell'.

'Téigh i dtigh an diabhail' is the equivalent expression in Irish. 'Tigh an diabhail' literally means 'the house of the devil.'

It might take a few attempts to get the hang of this one, but this is one you are almost guaranteed to hear on any episode of Irish language soap opera Ros na Rún, and possibly more than once in a single episode! 

Notice that the 'n' of 'an' is not heard, and on top of the that the ending 'igh' is typically not pronounced in Connacht Irish. 

Therefore in Connacht Irish this expression sounds more like: 'i dti a' diabhail'.


Friggáil leat!

This one is not quite as strong as 'téigh i dtigh an diabhail'. This is an example of an English word being used in the Irish language, and adapted to fit by adding the  ending 'áil'.

If you don't live in Ireland you may never have heard the expression 'frigg off' before. This is a way to tell someone to get lost without resorting to other much more offensive words which also begin with the letter 'f' (and I'm not referring to the rather harmless expression 'feck off' here!).


Téigh ag feadaíl

This is a way to tell someone to get lost without being overly offensive! This expression literally means 'go whistling', i.e. take yourself off somewhere else and go whistling while you're at it.

Notice that the 'g' in 'ag' is barely to be heard. This is very common in Irish spoken at regular speed.

Téigh a' feadaíl.


Useful everyday expressions in Irish

If you liked learning these useful expressions in Irish you might like to check out these other blogs:

How to say 'mind your own business' in Irish

How to say 'don't give up' in Irish

How to say 'I have to go now' in Irish


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